Friday, August 16, 2013


Hi Assalamualaikum.

Yesterday was a great day but YESTERDAY.
Today, ughhhh nightmare.

I thought when I met him just now, we can be friend. Laugh together.
But you know what? I can't even stand straightly.
When I saw him, I'm freaking impresive about the way he dress up. Err and I realized that he's not 'him' anymore. He changed a lot. Well, people CHANGED.

I've try my best to be strong as strong as I can.
Wait in Teyha's house with a guy that I used to love before and stay cool like nothing is the happening betol-betol buad aku rasa tak selesa.
So, I make a decision to go outside the house.
And try to stay smile. STILL.
After that, Wana persuade me to go back to teyha's house. Ok, balik ke rumah teyha semula.
And and and I saw Mamal. Excited nampak mamal *dulu aku crush kat mamal ok*, nampak jengkol.. Haha
Tetiba one of them called my name and called 'his' name. WATAPAK.
And Idk why my eye started tearing.. Wow wow wow.
Thank God Teyha datang kat aku and tarik aku g bilik dia. Dia peluk aku. KUAT sangat. She gave me strength. Dia macam paham semua dalam hati aku. I love her. So much.

And Wana said "kau masih tak boleh terima lagi"

It's hard. But I'll never give up to forget him.

P/S: this is what we call 'heartbreak'

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